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Corpse Party Information

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Corpse Party Information Empty Corpse Party Information

Post by Sachiko Shinozaki Sun Jul 06, 2014 7:28 pm

Well, as promised, here is the information to help everyone with the Corpse Party RP.

Main Plot:

"Once, there was a school in our city.  It was called Amber Star Academy and was located where our high school is now.  It was demolished after a series of murders inside of its walls stained the once...stellar...reputation of the school.  'What type of murders?' you may ask, 'could cause a school to be torn down?'  Mass murders, I tell you, where both students and teachers alike are taken and killed in cold blood.

"No one knows why these murders occurred; no one remembers much about the murders at all.  What is remembered is the names of the only two known survivors of the attacks, a sister and brother, who were a pair of exchange students who had the best luck, or some might call it the ill fortune, of surviving the attack meant to kill them.

"They, the siblings, did not survive the day through though.  In their dying breaths, the siblings cursed the school, condemning it occupants to eternal pain and torment.  It was no shock then that Amber Star closed its doors forever no more than a week later.

"Now, it is rumored that the school exists again as a ghost school in another reality; a prison for children and students who live for the pain that the siblings suffered..."

Sounds a lot like the original Corpse Party, right?  Well, it's supposed to.  The main and basic plot is the same, students getting trapped in a supposedly destroyed school.  What is different is the characters, mainly, and several other minor details detailed below.

However, everything is not just change, as afore mentioned.  One major thing that stays the same is the method of arriving, via a charm.  The ending shall also be much the same, with the twins needing to be appeased.  Also, when a student is killed in the school their imprint on the world is erased from the minds of all, and from the world.


The characters in any story or rp are one of the most important aspects, besides the plot.  In this rp, the characters consist of demons, good ghosts, bad ghosts, students, and the twins.

The innocent victims.  They are brought into the school by a charm.  They are vulnerable to the whims of the twins.

Good Ghosts:
The spirits of students who have been killed in the school who have good, kind feelings towards the trapped students.  They died with no ill feelings towards the living.  They are not able to be controlled by the twins

Bad Ghosts:
The spirits of students who have been killed in the school who have ill intentions towards the living.  They work with the twins but cannot be controlled by them.

Beings completely at the whims of the twins, they cannot disobey a direct order.  They are forced to carry out the wills of the twins in their every breath, even if it is towards someone they love.

The Exchange Twins:
The two main antagonists, they are the source of all evil.  They are unknown to the students whom they trap, only seen by the demons and occasionally a bad ghost.  They are corrupted by their violent pasts.

I shall edit this if I think of anything else that needs clarification.  Oh, and please feel free to ask questions below.  

Sachiko Shinozaki
Sachiko Shinozaki

Posts : 4
Join date : 2014-07-02
Location : Heavenly Host Elementary School, Japan

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